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Create a News

What is News?

The News module in KUHub presents curated information relevant to the university community. Users can browse articles and updates on-campus events, achievements, and other significant developments.

Who can use News? Who can create news?

Users with a KU NetID can view News. Depending on the permissions, some users' created news can be published or unpublished without requiring any approval.

 How to create news?

  1. Go to

  2. Click on the "Sign in with KU NetID" button.

  3. Click on "Campus Agenda > News Management > Create News" from the left menu.

  4. Fill in the mandatory information fields.

a) An image with a maximum file size of 1MB must be added. The image size should be 1920x1080 pixels.

b) A news headline with a maximum of 100 characters and a short description with a maximum of 500 characters must be provided.

c) The "Body" section contains the detailed information about the news.

d) At least one category from the specified categories must be selected in the "Category" section.

e) Adding tags is optional.

f) "Attachment" is an optional option where files up to 8 MB can be added.

g) The "Visibility type" option is a mandatory field and can be selected as Public/Private.

h) Adding a URL is optional and is intended to direct users to the source or similar news.

i) If the news needs to be shown on a website, select "Publish on Web." It is not active yet.

All news descriptions must be entered bilingually. To do this, when creating the news, first select the desired language option (EN / TR) using the "Data Language" option in the top right corner, then the news creation page will automatically switch to the second language option, and the necessary information should be filled in accordingly.

After entering the mandatory information, click on "Create News."

How can I check if my created news is published or not?

  1. Click on "News Management > Submitted News" from the left menu.

  2. On the opened page, all your created news will be displayed together. You can filter them based on the "Publish/Unpublish" status or search for specific news using keywords.

  3. You can learn the publication status of the news from the "Status" column.

a) From the "Actions" option, you can edit the news you created or change the publication status.

b) Click "View" to see the news.

How do I update published news?

  1. Click on "News Management > Submitted News" from the left menu.

  2. On the opened page, all created news will be displayed together.

  3. The ones with "Publish" status indicate that they are published.

a) From the available options in the "Actions" column:

       i. If the news is published, clicking "View" will display the details of the news.

       ii. If the news is in "Unpublish" status, click "Actions / Publish" to publish the news.

How to Add News to KU Daily Digest

When creating a news item, you can feature it in the KU Daily Digest. Here's how:

  1. Select "Publish on Digest." While entering the news details, find and check the "Publish on Digest - Optional" box to include your news in the Digest.

  2. Choose Digest Audience: After selecting "Publish on Digest," two additional options will appear:

    • List: Choose the target audience for the Digest. Options include Faculty, Staff, Students, or All, ensuring your news reaches the intended group.

  3. Set Digest Publish Date: Select the Publish Date for when you want the news to be featured in the KU Daily Digest. Pick a date that fits with the timing of your news announcement.

  4. Submit for Approval: Submit the news after completing all the necessary fields. If required, it will go through an approval process, depending on your permissions.

  5. Confirmation: Once approved, your news will be included in the KU Daily Digest on the specified date and shared with the chosen audience.

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