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Enrollment for Students

  1. Login to the System

To log in to KUHub, go to website. Click on the 'Login to KUHUB' button on the screen that appears. On the page that opens in a new tab, click on the 'Sign in with KU NetID' button.


Login Screen

  1. Access to the Planning Screen


Course Planning

  • In the planning screen, personal information is located in the top left, categories of courses required for graduation and completed credits are in the top right, and the payment status for that term, course selection date, and the number of courses that can be taken are in the bottom right.


Planning Screen

  • The Class Search button takes you to the Class Search screen, where you can view all the courses offered at the university for that term.


Class Search Button

  • It allows you to search for courses across the entire school based on the search criteria.


Class Search Screen

  • From the Class Search screen, a desired course can be directly added to the planning or its details can be viewed.


The course details viewing page

  • Courses can also be added to the planning through the course details viewing screen.


The course details viewing page

  • If you want to add a course from the curriculum on “Plan Courses”, you can use the buttons in the box in the screenshot below. After choosing classes, either “Class Search” or “Plan Courses” you may continue to “My Planned Courses”.


Adding a Course from the Curriculum

  • If you want to view courses from the course lists, you can use the buttons in the box in the screenshot below.


Viewing Courses from Course Lists

  • If you want to add a course from Course List, you can use the buttons in the box in the screenshot below.


Adding a Course from the Course List

  • If you want to view the course information in the Course Group and add it to the planning, you can use the buttons in the box in the screenshot below.


View courses in Course Group


View course information in the Course Group and add it to the planning

  • Planned courses are listed under My Planned Courses. If the course currently has only one section, the information for that section is listed directly.


My Planned Courses

  • If the course has more than one section or component, it is mandatory to select one of the components that do not have the "optional" mark before "Save Draft" and "Enroll to Classes".

  • Courses that have been “Saved Draft” or enrolled in the planning can be viewed daily, weekly, or monthly on the calendar under “Weekly Calendar”.


Weekly Calendar

  • Detailed information about the course can be viewed on the My Planned Courses screen. Alternatively, students who cannot take this course due to any circumstances can request permission before selecting the course.


Planned Courses Screen

  • When requesting consent, consent can be requested for more than one condition. Only “Audit” and ‘Limited Audit’ are consents that can be requested alone.


Request Consent

  • The status of the request can be viewed as follows when a consent request is made.


Consent Status Tab

  • The availability in the course can be viewed as shown in the image below. If there is no place in the class, if you still want to take the class and enter the waiting list, the “Waitlist” box should be checked before the “Enroll to Classes” process.


Available Seats and Waitlist Box

  • The enrollment process can take time. You should wait until the page loads.

  • Once the process is complete, you will be informed whether the course can be taken or not.


Enrollment Status Details

  • The selected course can be edited or deleted on the “My Enrolled Classes” page.


Edit Course Screen

If there is a course entered in “Waiting” status, you can request consent from this page as in the previous page. There will be no consent action for courses that are not in Waiting status.

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