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How do I copy files/data to the HPC Machines?

You do not need to be logged in to your HPC Cluster account while using these commands.

If you are using zsh terminal on your Mac, you can have this error:

/etc/profile.d/ line 19: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory

Despite this error the commands work. But if you want to solve the problem, you can follow the steps in here.

If you are on campus:


Use MobaXterm. This is a GUI-based scp client for MS Windows-based computers that has a drag-and-drop
facility and an inbuilt file editor. If you have cygwin installed, you can open a cygwin-terminal and then use ssh the same as Linux and Mac below.
Download MobaXterm

Linux and Mac

scp on terminal:

scp file-to-name

This will copy the file to a SUB_FOLDER and renaming it to new-filename. The destination folder must be a valid address. So SUB_FOLDER must be an existing folder.

As an example, lets copy a file from Desktop to home folder of HPC Cluster:

In my cluster account, I have Morse.jl, logs and workfolder folders.


Then, on my local computer’ terminal I am writing scp command and copying file named to my home folder on cluster renamed as By the way since I am a Mac user, I see the error, which was mentioned before.


Then, I login to HPC Cluster again and check whether file exist or not.


rsync on terminal:

rsync is a fast and versatile command-line utility for synchronizing files and directories between two locations over a remote shell, or from/to a remote Rsync daemon. You will be using rsync for most of the time. It provides fast incremental file transfer by transferring only the differences between the source and the destination.

Local to Local:

rsync [OPTION]... [SRC]... DEST

Local to Remote:

rsync [OPTION]... [SRC]... [USER@]HOST:DEST

Remote to Local:

rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC... [DEST]

Zip the transferred file from remote to local:

rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC... [DEST]

Transfer all files from remote to local:

rsync -a USERNAME@host:relative path of the file/folder destination

Now, lets copy Morse.jl folder which is on cluster to the Destop under the folder which is named as rsync-test.

In my cluster account, this time, I have Morse.jl, logs, work folder and


Then I use the rsync command and since I want all files I use -a option. I give the path of Morse.jl under cluster folder and destination as rsync-test. Since I do not have rsync-test folder, it will create automatically.


Then I use the rsync command and since I want all files I use -a option. I give the path of Morse.jl under cluster folder and destination as rsync-test. Since I do not have rsync-test folder, it will create automatically.


sftp or ftp client:

Windows: Mobaxterm, Winscp, Filezilla
Linux: sftp, Filezilla
Mac: Cyberduck, Filezilla


Note: You should use following parameters.

Username: KU-username
Password: KU-password

If you are off campus:

Google Drive/Dropbox:

If your data is big and you are using VPN, previous solutions can be slow to copy files. You can use rclone tool with your Google Drive/Dropbox.

Firstly, you need to register to your Gdrive/Dropbox account. Then, you can follow the steps on:

rclone mkdir remote:folderrclone ls remote:folderrclone lsd remote:folderrclone copy remote:folder  destination_folder

You can find extended command list here.

Mount your home folder over ssh(sshfs):

This option is not very recommended but you can find the necessary documentation on: systems-over-ssh

After adding the necessary software, if you are a Linux user, create a directory under mnt folder:

sudo mkdir /mnt/mountfolder

If you are a MacOS user, create a folder which you has write and read permissions:


For this example, we will mount workfolder on the cluster to the mountFolder.


Write the necessary sshfs command from your local terminal or tool that you use:

sshfs USERNAME@HOST:destination-of-folder-which-will-be-mounted destination-of-target-folder

Now, let’s check the mountFolder content:


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