Lists cluster nodes with specifications (CPU types, GPU list,Memory, Features etc). it is detailed version of sinfo command.
(base) [yakarken18@login02 ~]$ kuacc-nodes
ai[01,04-06,09] mixed 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_t4:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu
ai[11-14] mixed 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_v100:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu
buyukliman mixed 72 2:18:2 250000 0 (null) hamsi,ib,compute,72cpu
da[03-04] mixed 20 2:10:1 250000 0 gpu:tesla_k20m:1 biyofiz,ib,compute,20cpu
dy02 mixed 36 2:18:1 504000 0 gpu:tesla_k80:4 ai,ib,compute,36cpu,gpu
dy03 mixed 24 2:12:1 450000 0 gpu:tesla_k80:8 ai,ib,compute,24cpu,gpu
it[01-02] mixed 40 2:20:1 500000 0 gpu:tesla_v100:1 IT,ib,compute,tesla_v100
sm01 mixed 20 2:10:1 64000 0 gpu:tesla_k40m:2,gpu:tesla_k80:1 iui,ib,compute,20cpu
ag01 allocated 8 2:4:1 124000 0 gpu:gtx_1080ti:2 cosbi,ib,compute,8cpu,gpu
ai[02-03,07-08, allocated 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_t4:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu
be[01-12] allocated 12 2:6:1 126000 0 gpu:tesla_k20m:1 ilac,ib,compute,12cpu
da02 allocated 20 2:10:1 250000 0 gpu:tesla_k20m:1 biyofiz,ib,compute,20cpu
it[03-04] allocated 40 2:20:1 500000 0 gpu:tesla_v100:1 IT,ib,compute,tesla_v100
rk01 allocated 72 2:18:2 504000 0 (null) kutem,ib,compute,72cpu,HT
da01 idle 20 2:10:1 250000 0 gpu:tesla_k20m:1 biyofiz,ib,compute,20cpu
ke[01-08] allocated 36 2:18:1 504000 0 (null) cosmos,ib,compute,36cpu
login02-login03 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
ag01 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2637 v4 @ 3.50GHz
be01 - be14 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 @ 2.50GHz
buyukliman |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
da01 - da04 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz
dy02 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
dy03 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v2 @ 2.10GHz
ke01 - ke08 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
rk01 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
sm01 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
it01 - it04 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 @ 2.40GHz
ai01 - ai14 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 @ 2.50GHz
This command lists specifications of all nodes in cluster. It is very useful when you need specific resource. For example, GRES column shows all gpu types in cluster. You can choose a specific gpu by using gres flag in your script with gres from this command output.
#SBATCH --gres=gpu_tesla_k80
AVAIL_FEATURES column in command output lists all features of nodes. These Features are set by system admins and used for constraint flag in slurm job script.
For example,
(base) [yakarken18@login02 ~]$ kuacc-nodes |grep ai
ai[01,04-06,09] mixed 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_t4:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu,tesla_t4,6248,molpro,vnc
ai[11-14] mixed 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_v100:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu,tesla_v100,6248,molpro,vnc
dy02 mixed 36 2:18:1 504000 0 gpu:tesla_k80:4 ai,ib,compute,36cpu,gpu,tesla_k80,e52695,e52695v4,
dy03 mixed 24 2:12:1 450000 0 gpu:tesla_k80:8 ai,ib,compute,24cpu,gpu,tesla_k80,e52695,e52695v2,
ai[02-03,07-08, allocated 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_t4:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu,tesla_t4,6248,molpro,vnc
ai01 - ai14 |model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 @ 2.50GHz
ai[01-04,06-10] mixed 40 2:20:1 503000 0 gpu:tesla_t4:8 ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu,tesla_t4,6248,molpro,vnc
Features for ai nodes:
ai[01-10]: Feature=ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu,tesla_t4,6248,molpro,vnc
ai[11-14]: Feature= ai,ib,compute,40cpu,gpu,tesla_v100,6248,molpro,vnc
dy02: Feature= ai,ib,compute,36cpu,gpu,tesla_k80,e52695,e52695v4,vnc
dy03: Feature=ai,ib,compute,24cpu,gpu,tesla_k80,e52695,e52695v2,vnc
ai: ai partition
ib: node with infiniband network
compute:compute node
24cpu: node with 24cores
36cpu: node with 36cores
40cpu: node with 40cores
tesla_XX: node with tesla_XX gpu
molpro: node with 1TB local disk
6248: node with Intel Gold 6248 cpu
e52695: node with Intel e52695 cpu
Some users needs to run their jobs on specific node. For example, on Intel Gold 6248 cpus. User can use 6248 feature in constraint flag and user limits jobs to run on 6248 cpus.
Any feature can be added into node available feature list.
By using constraint and feature tesla_k80. You can request only tesla_k80 nodes.
#SBATCH --constraint=tesla_k80
Some applications create to many tmp files. This will cause on issue on file system. Therefore, they use server disk for scratch data. Servers with molpro feature have local disks over 1TB. There is tmp2 folder on these nodes which can be used as a scratch folder.
By using constraint and feature molpro. tmp2 folder as stratch.
#SBATCH --constraint=molpro
export $TMP=/tmp2
At the end of job, scratch data should be cleaned.