ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-proprietary, and not-for-profit organization created by the research community for the benefit of all stakeholders, including you and the organizations that support the research ecosystem. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher throughout your career. ORCID helps researchers to record and report their work. Koç University encourages all researchers to use ORCID. Funders like TUBİTAK, The Council of Higher Education, European Research Council now require or recommend the use of ORCID IDs.
Register your ORCID iD
Welcome! Registering your ORCID iD is an online process that should take less than one minute. You own your ORCID record and, after registering for it yourself, you will be able to update or add information -- or give others permission to do so -- by signing into your account. This guide will familiarize you with the ORCID registration form.
First, go to https://orcid.org/register
Important fields:
Email addresses:
Primary email (required): Your primary email address, entered twice for confirmation. You will use your email address (or ORCID iD) with your password to sign in to the ORCID Registry.Additional email (strongly recommended): Your secondary (backup) email address. It is strongly recommended that you provide at least one additional email address on registration. This will ensure you can still use your ORCID record if you lose access to your primary email. If you added an institutional email as your primary address, we recommend adding a personal one as backup. You can use any email address connected to your ORCID record, with your password, to sign in to the ORCID Registry. You can add as many additional email addresses as you wish.
Visibility settings (required): Select your default visibility setting for any information that you or trusted parties add to your ORCID record. We strongly recommend choosing Everyone or Trusted Parties as your default visibility setting as this will enable your information to be shared with the systems you interact with, allowing you to benefit from their ORCID integrations.
*** After submitting your registration, you will be directed to your new ORCID record. Make sure you look for a welcome message from ORCID asking you to verify your email address. If you don’t see it in your main email inbox, check your spam or junk folder.
Add identifying (biographical) information to your ORCID record:
Your name and other versions of your name you are known by
The country or region where you perform your research
Keywords related to you and your research
Links to websites related to you and your research
Email addresses you use and have previously used
Other person identifiers, such as a ResearcherID or Scopus Author ID • A brief biography
Affiliation Information (Critical)
To add employment affiliation, sign into your ORCID record, scroll to Add employment and select Add manually.
Make sure that Koç University has been added as your primary employer.
If you have any questions about setting up or improving your ORCID account, please contact the Open Access Contact Point (Kamil Yeşiltaş, Çiğdem Yıldırım, Ersan Dur) or your liaison librarian.