Lists information about Slurm nodes and partitions. Command output has 6 columns.
Partition: Slurm partitions
Avail: Partition availability
Timelimit: Partition max time limit
Nodes: Nodes in requested partition
State: State of nodes(mix, idle, down, draining, drained, mix, alloc)
down: node is down,
draining: issue about node and node is closed for new jobs. Node will be taken out of cluster after jobs are finished,
drained:node is closed to all jobs,
mix:some of resource on node is used,
alloc:resource on node is fully allocated(used). No resource available on node.
Nodelist: Nodes in partition
sinfo shows all partitions and nodes in cluster. For ai partition, you can use “sinfo|grep ai”
[root@login02 ~]# sinfo|grep ai
admin up infinite 30 mix ag01,ai[01,03-14],be[04,06-07],buyukliman,da[01-04],dy03,it[02-04],ke[02,04],rk01,sm01
admin up infinite 3 idle ai02,be[11-12]
short* up 2:00:00 29 mix ag01,ai[01,03-14],be[04,06-07],buyukliman,da[01-04],dy03,it[01-04],rk01,sm01
short* up 2:00:00 3 idle ai02,be[11-12]
mid up 1-00:00:00 18 mix ai[05-11],be[04,06-07],buyukliman,da[03-04],dy03,it[03-04],rk01,sm01
long up 7-00:00:00 19 mix ag01,ai[06-14],be[04,06-07],buyukliman,da04,dy03,it04,rk01,sm01
ai up 7-00:00:00 14 mix ai[01,03-14],dy03
ai up 7-00:00:00 1 alloc dy02
ai up 7-00:00:00 1 idle ai02
In command output,
Partition: ai
Availibility: partition is upup
Time limit: max 7days
-There are 14 nodes with mix state. It means that some of resources on these nodes(ai[01,03-14],dy03) are used. There is still resource.
-There is only one node(dy02) fully allocated.
-There is only one node(ai02) free. fully available
!!! sinfo command is useful for listing resources in a short version. However, there is another command(kuacc-info) which is more detailed and more useful.