An API Gateway is a middleware layer that sits between API-based applications and computing clients to orchestrate common functionality and scalable, distributed architectures. (Source:
KU IT API Gateway organizes microservices provided by other applications, platforms, or services like KUSIS, SAP, and in-house built microservices. Currently, Kong provides API gateway functionality to all IT applications.
Detailed data analytics to inspect, monitor, and visualize your microservices traffic.
An authentication layer to protect your services and ensure only authorized access.
Real-time and continuous logging of the API request and response data.
Deploy serverless functions without the need to restart or redeploy Kong.
Granular control over inbound and outbound API traffic, including the ability to throttle and restrict traffic as required.
Handle request and response data transformations on the fly.
Who can use it?
This infrastructure service can only be used by KU IT staff.
When can I use it?
You can use this service anytime.
How much does it cost?
This service is available at no charge to the KU IT staff.
How do I get it?
You should contact the service owner to get this service.
Related Policy and Procedures
All users of Koç University computing and networking facilities are expected to read and abide by the Acceptable Use Policy.