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Panopto: Approving or Rejecting Videos

When you add a video from now on you will get an email that will enable you to approve a video before it is published.

Both Zoom and the classroom lecture recordings will be published to your students only after your approval starting from March 22, 2022. Students will not have access until you give your approval for each recording.

There are two ways to access the Approval options:

From the email

Select the second link which includes the text Pages/Sessions/List.aspx, to open the video's Settings menu to the Overview tab.

From inside the folder

Hover over the video, which will appear with the phrase Waiting for approval on it, and select the Settings button to open the video's Settings menu to the Overview tab.

You can access the Panopto lecture folder on Learn Hub by following the steps below.

  • Log into Learn Hub with your KU NetID and password.

  • Click and go into the Learn Hub course.

  • Click the Lecture Videos link on the course menu.

On the Overview tab of the Settings menu, you will see Approval listed underneath the Session Information section. Select Approve if you approve the submission, or Reject if you need to reject the submission.

If you decide to reject the session, hit the Reject button and provide a reason for rejecting the video.

After its approval, the video will no longer show Waiting for approval. The session is now visible to all viewers.

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