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Attendance Tool


The Attendance module can be added to courses in LearnHub to allow instructor to collect attendance information about their students for each class session. The Attendance module works by allowing you to create multiple sessions, where each session is a class period during which you need to take attendance.

 Each session has a date, a start time, and an end time associated with it. Sessions can be automatically repeated for the entirety of the course, so there is no need to create your class sessions one-by-one. The module can assign grades to students based on their attendance status, or it can be set to not require a grade. These instructions show you how to create a new Attendance module for a course with commonly-used general settings.


  • List

  • One By One

  • Password

  • QR Code

 Who can use it?

  • Faculty

  • Students

When can I use it?

This service is available all the time.

How much does it cost?

This service is available at no charge to the KU community.

How do I get it?

  • Go to

  • Login with your KU NetID and Password

  • Open the course in which you want to use Attendance Plugins.

  • See Attendance at the bottom of your course menu.

Attendance Plugins Setup for Instructor

  • Log in to

  • Open the course in which you want to open Attendance.

    • See Attendance at the bottom of your course menu.

    • Click Attendance link on course menu to see Attendance page.

    • Click the Add Sessions tab




  • If you want attendance to be worth a grade in this class, expand the Grade section of the settings page and set the Maximum grade setting to the value you want this attendance activity to have in the grade book. If you do not want attendance to be worth a grade in this class, set Type equal to None.

Grade Category

  • This setting controls the category in which this activity’s grades are placed in the gradebook.

Grade to pass

  • This setting determines the minimum grade required to pass. The value is used in activity and course completion, and in the gradebook, where pass grades are highlighted in green and fail grades in red.


Add Session

  • You can add sessions for all students.

Multiple Sessions

  • This function allows you to create multiple sessions in one simple step. The sessions begin on the date of the base session and continue until the “repeat until” date.

Student Recording

  • Allow students to record own attendance: If checked students will be able to change their own attendance status for the session.

  • Allow students to update own attendance: If checked students will be able to update their attendance for a session after they have already self-reported it.

  • Open session early for marking: This allow instructors to open the session early, alowing for attendanve to be taken before the real start time.

  • Student Password: If set students will be required to enter this password before they can set their own attendance status for the session. If empty, no password is required.

  • When you are ready to take attendance for a class session, click on the triangle icon ▶ next to the session. Click the bubble under the appropriate status for each student (P = Present, L = Late, E = Excused, A = Absent), then click the Save attendance button to record the attendance.

  • You can also do the attendance in bulk by selecting "all" from the Set status for dropdown menu and then assigning attendance in that row.

  • You can enable students to take self-attendance by clicking on the QR code.


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