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Learn Hub


Learn Hub is a learning management system that enables the delivery of dynamic courses that extend learning, encourage interaction and collaboration between students, and track and evaluate student activities.


For Instructors

  • Uploading and sharing documents, videos, images, and any kind of educational content

  • Creating assignments and tests

  • Collecting and grading students’ assignments and tests

  • Calculating students’ final grades

  • Customizing the course interface

  • Creating student groups to give them group assignments or projects

  • Creating discussion boards and announcements to increase interactivity

For Students

  • Viewing and downloading the documents shared by the instructor

  • Viewing their courses in the My Courses area

  • Uploading their assignments

  • Taking tests

  • Viewing their grades, and the instructor’s comments on their submissions

  • Posting comments on discussion boards

  • Viewing announcements

Who can use it?

  • Faculty

  • Staff

  • Students

When can I use it?

This service is available all the time.

How do I access it?

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