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How to Create an Assignment

Assignment activity provides a space for students to submit work for teachers to grade and give feedback on.

  • You can require them to submit one or several files and/or to type text essays.

  • It is possible to have them submit work as a group and you can also choose as a teacher to grade their work 'blind' in other words not to see the identities of those who have submitted assignments.

  • Assignments can have deadlines and cut-off dates - which you can also extend if necessary.

  • If you as a teacher want to see a reminder to grade, make sure you select a date in the Remind me to grade by... setting when creating your assignment.

Create an Assignment

  • Click Add an activity or resource

  • Click Assignment

  • The Create Assignment page will open. There are several options you need to specify.

General Options

  1. Assignment Name: It is a required field. Type a name for the assignment.

  2. Description: You can add a short description which you can optionally display on the course page by ticking the box.

  3. Activity Instructions: You can add what you want your students to do for the assignment. If you want to include images, or links, you click the appropriate icons.

  4. Additional Files: You can upload additional support documents.


  1. Allow Submissions From: Use the date and time pickers to set a date and time.

  2. Due Date: Submissions will still be allowed after this date, but any assignments submitted after this date are marked as late.

  3. Cut-off Date: The date beyond which students will not be able to send in their assignment.

  4. Remind Me to Grade by: You can set yourself a reminder when to grade by.

Always Show Description: If it is set to Yes, the assignment Description will be visible to students before the “Allow submissions from” date.

Submission Types

  • Select the type(s) of submission.


These options are the most frequently used ones to set up the Assignment, but feel free to explore some other settings.

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