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Content Management

Learn Hub content management provides teachers and students to manage and share files, documents, and digital assets in a secure, easy-to-use environment. 

How to Add Course Content to Your Course Page

  • To add a material to your course, make sure to have “edit mode” on on the right top corner.

  • In your course page, click “Add an activity or resource” button.

  • Explanations of the most common items are below.

  • Each module has their own explanation, you can read it by clicking on the icon shown below.



The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback.

Students can submit any digital content (files), such as word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, or audio and video clips. Alternatively, or in addition, the assignment may require students to type text directly into the text editor.


The file module enables a teacher to provide a file. You can drag and drop to the area below to upload your file.



The folder module enables a teacher to display more than one related files inside a single folder, reducing scrolling on the course page.


The page module enables a teacher to create a web page resource using the text editor. A page can display text, images, sound, video, web links and embedded code.


The quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, including multiple choice, matching, short-answer and numerical.


A teacher can use these to gather data from their students and reflect on certain topics.

  • Once the item is created, you can always access the button shown below to Edit the content, availability, and many more options about your item.

  • Settings for every item stand at the end of the page. Example:


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