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CPAP: Courses in which CPAP 100 is a prerequisite

We advise students to take CPAP 100 as early as possible so that they can make use of their new skills in their academic tasks.

Moreover, CPAP 100 is a prerequisite for some courses at KU. In other words, some courses require students to first pass CPAP 100 to register for them. Check if the courses in your department require CPAP 100. Below are the courses in which CPAP 100 is currently a prerequisite*:

Course CodeCourse Title
ECON 311Introduction To Econometrics
ARHA 410Archaeological Method And Theory
INTL 201Research Methods In Social Sciences
MFIN 202Introduction To Financial Management
OPSM 301Operations Management
PSYC 201Scientific Methods In Behavioral And Social Sciences
QMBU 301Quantitative Methods In Business
MGIS 301Management Information Systems
MKTG 201Marketing Management
QMBU 301Quantitative Methods In Business
QMBU 310Introduction To Management Science
ARHA 467Geographic Information Systems
PSYC 210Issues In Psychology

*By Spring 2019. This list may be subject to change, so please check with the Registrar's Office each semester.

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