Grading and Gradebook Setup
On your course page, you can find the Grades section on the horizontal bar under your course title.

This section opens with Grader Report, where you can view all the materials that hold grade value on them, and student names on the vertical side. By grading the related assignments, those boxes would be automatically filled.
In Learn Hub, those columns of the assignments occur after you create and assignment, quiz or attendance module.
Once you click on the Grader Report dropdown, there are options related with our gradebook. You can change view by clicking the options at View section.

Gradebook Setup
This is where you configure the grade weight settings. Under the Weights column, you can change the weight of the wanted element by clicking the small tick-box, and manually setting the value. For example, once you put 45 in Assignment A, %45 of the grade from Assignment A would be added to the calculation.
Reminder: This Weight adjusments adds up to 100, and can not go over than 100.

Scrolling down, you can find the options for the Course Total, where it opens another box for you to put basic Excel formulas. Picture below:

Once you ID your assignments, you can run scripts to calculte the courses your way as shown in the example. For best practices on how to write those functions, please visit