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Remote Work

Here are some resources and pointers that will help you when you work and teach remotely.

Sharing Files and Documents

  • You can use cloud storage, such as Google Drive or Office 365 OneDrive, to store and share your files and documents with your students, colleagues. Learn more about our shared storage services here.

Communication & Collaboration

  • You can use Zoom and MS Teams for your online meetings. Learn more about our communication and collaboration tools here.

Remote Access

  • A few restricted services are only accessible while connected to the KU network. When you are away from campus, you'll need to connect to KU VPN first in order to access these services. You can use most of KU IT services without KU VPN.

Answer your office phone remotely

  • If you’re going to be away from your desk but don’t want to miss an important call, you can forward your calls on your desk phone to another number.

Further Help on IT Services

  • Check out IT Services for further info about IT services in general. 

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