SonarQube is an open-source platform developed to detect vulnerabilities, bugs, and code smells with static code analysis. Supporting more than 25 programming languages, this system removes weaknesses that damage your application and improves workflow.
Static code analysis for 15 languages
Detect Bugs & Vulnerabilities
Review Security Hotspots
Track Code Smells & fix your Technical Debt
Code Quality Metrics & History
CI/CD integration
Extensible, with 60+ community plugins
Who can use it?
This infrastructure service can only be used by KU IT staff.
When can I use it?
You can use this service anytime.
How much does it cost?
This service is available at no charge to the KU IT staff.
How do I get it?
You should contact the service owner to get this service.
Related Policy and Procedures
All users of Koç University computing and networking facilities are expected to read and abide by the Acceptable Use Policy.